5 Benefits of Enrichment Programs
School days are filled with writing, science, math, history, and reading; leaving little room for student-led activities. Parents of students eager to learn, often want more additional learning for their children, whether it be the creative arts, computers, design, or leisure activities.
Enrichment programs are incredibly beneficial and a great way to fill the gaps that occur in each student’s curriculum.
Below, we’ve highlighted the five benefits of enrichment programs to help you better understand how much they can impact a student’s education.
1. Different Teaching Styles
In the classroom, students are often taught through similar pedagogical styles despite their optimal style of learning, whether it be auditory, visual, or practical. For some students, having quiet reading time and listening to lectures supports their growth and learning, while others require hands-on learning. But through enrichment programs, students are exposed to different teaching styles and pedagogies, which is beneficial since each student requires a unique teaching style that’s tailored to their needs.
Being exposed to a variety of teachers and teaching styles enables students to be able to adapt to new situations more seamlessly since it’s a reflection of their future environments. Many enrichment programs are designed for small groups, enabling teachers and tutors to design programs specifically tailored for each student. This individualistic learning approach often leads to more engaging programs, which in turn supports a students academic growth.
2. Interesting Topics and New Challenges
Rather than simply teaching students the same topics in the classroom, enrichment programs can dive further into their current topics. They add additional information or provide different subjects for students to engage in, encouraging them to learn new topics. This allows students to connect different subject matters together in a fun and meaningful way. Since enrichment programs are tailored to each student and enable them to learn in a way that best meets their needs, they are a perfect way to introduce challenging topics and subjects.
There is also significantly less pressure within enrichment programs due to the relaxed atmosphere and the absence of grading. With decreased academic pressure, students are able to build their confidence through trial and error, a concept not encouraged through standardized testing. This in turn decreases anxiety in students, and enables them to express themselves in new ways both inside and outside of their academic environments.
Lastly, enrichment programs provide a structure for students to succeed. Through different programs, students are challenged in a number of different ways. Enrichment programs on coding for example, can help a student who is interested in Web Development, while enrichment programs in a sport can increase a students endurance and skill. Often, students learn the importance of discipline and hard work and gain a deeper understanding of the connection between practice and success. Having students, particularly young students, in enrichment programs, teaches them the value of perseverance.
3. Improved Grades and Personal Growth
Students who participate in enrichment programs often improve academically due to the influx of studying, the individual attention, and the improvement of problem-solving skills. Enrichment programs also prepare students for college and make them a more well-rounded student.
In addition to the increased academic performance, students are able to learn more about themselves such as which learning style they resonate best with. Because of this, they will discover hidden talents and interests and hone them. Many professional athletes and actors owe their success to the enrichment programs they participated in when they were younger. The discoveries that students make about themselves through these enrichment programs allows them to see that they are capable of more than they previously thought, thus activating and cultivating a growth mindset.
4. Complements In-classroom Learning
Students are often measured through tests given throughout the year, primarily those that occur at the end of the school year. These tests are based on curriculum guidelines that help teachers understand what needs to be covered during the school year and at what age students should have mastered certain topics. While this framework for determining the rest of the year supports the growth of many students, most teachers would agree that there is never enough time to teach or cover everything. As a result, the rate at which subjects are taught can be either too quick, and even too slow, for some.
Enrichment programs can be utilized to challenge students by increasing or decreasing the speed at which each student is learning. In return, more time can be alloted to additional topics to give a more complete educational overview. For example, if a student is learning about Rome, an enrichment program can expand its teachings into the culture, foods, and traditions within the country rather than simply identifying its location on a map. Students are then able to make more connections and cement their learning in a way that is fun and engaging through cross-curricular teaching. Additionally, students improve their skills in all subjects through quality enrichment programs. Math and science skills are improved through programs like coding, while reading and writing skills are improved through arts and theater programs.
5. Increased Social Skills
Many enrichment programs require students to work together in solving problems or reaching a goal. Often enrichment programs host students from a number of different schools and backgrounds. This allows students to make friends outside of school, increasing their opportunities to improve their social skills by finding common ground with newcomers. The cooperation skills students utilize within enrichment programs allow them to express themselves creatively while understanding the challenges that arise when working with others. The social skills students learn through enrichment programs sets them up for success in and outside the classroom.
There are many reasons why students should participate in enrichment programs and there are hundreds of different programs available. Joining an enrichment program through your school or hiring a tutor who can create a specialized program are two easy ways in finding a program for your student.
At Novel Education, we offer several enrichment program opportunities. Whether you want to implement a program on your own or have a Novel teacher facilitate the learning, we can help you determine a course of action. Each student learns at a different rate and allowing them to take control of their learning through an enrichment program increases their intrinsic motivation, setting a path forward for lifelong learning.